#TWKatHome Family Fridays

Keep the Conversation Going

Wendy Jeffries, Executive Director, TasteWise Kids

Our #TWKFamilyFridays series is where we hope to provide you with resources to both learn a little more about the world of food and its sources, and connect with one another in the process.


With the inauguration this week and all the other recent events, now is an important time to continue to build your family's habit of conversations. Here's a few questions to use as you continue to talk about this current inauguration: 

  • What do you think is the most important job of the President? the Vice President?
  • What do you hope will change for the better in the next 4 years?
  • If you were President or Vice President, what is something you would work on?
  • How did you feel while reading or listening to the speech?
  • What words or ideas did you not understand in the speech? (and talk about them)

Age Considerations

Remember that younger kids may not have a lot to contribute to the conversation but be sure they are listening and absorbing. Instead of a conversation, you may want to help them to draw a picture about what they see in a picture of the inauguration. Or share a small part of the speech that you think they can relate to/understand and then talk about it together.

Nelson Mandela Quote
Peggy O'Mara Quote

More Ways to Discuss

Use these conversation starters to help create some lively and reflective conversations around your table or floor over the coming days. Also, if you are looking for a fun inauguration activity, check out our TWKatHome activity from last week to help kids share their voice. If you want more general conversation starters, you can find a helpful sheet here.

If you are looking for an extension of these conversations, one of our staff is creating a time capsule with her kids this weekend. They are going to gather a few things that speak to their hopes for the next 4 years and some items to remember this week (ex. newspaper article about our new President and Vice President, etc.). While time capsules are usually opened much later, for kids four years can be a significant time. It’s also a way for kids to see how things can change over a four year presidential term and how much they grow and mature.