
Every Day is Earth Day and Exploring Foods in-person programs were launched. Both programs were developed to support the unique requests of community partners.

TWK partners with Weekend Backpacks to provide food-focused activity bags to food-insecure students in Baltimore City.
Days of Taste transitioned back to in-person programs, also offering hybrid programs to meet the needs and policies of partner schools.

In response to the worldwide COVID pandemic and school closures, TasteWise Kids launches Days of Taste all-virtual programming as well as TasteWise Kids at Home. Finally, Food Story and Ask An Expert virtual events were launched.
To fill the need for stand-alone food education experiences outside of the Days of Taste model, TasteWise Kids pilots one-day workshops.

TasteWise Kids continues to expand its reach, providing the Days of Taste program to over 3,400 students in the greater Baltimore region.
TasteWise Kids provides the Days of Taste program to over 3,100 students in the Baltimore area.

Winter 2015
With a mission to inspire kids to experience and explore the world of food and its sources, TasteWise Kids is established in Maryland to run the Days of Taste program, with plans to offer additional food education opportunities to diverse audiences in the future.
Fall 2015
The Adopt-a-School sponsorship model starts, by allowing philanthropic-minded organizations to fund the Days of Taste program at a school in their community, sometimes providing corporate volunteers in the classroom and on the farm as well.

Spring 2015
The Days of Taste program expands to Harford County, via the help of Healthy Harford, an organization dedicated to healthy living in the area.
The Salad Kit Extension program launches, allowing students who have completed the Days of Taste program to extend learning to their families.

The Days of Taste program has grown to serve 1,600 students in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Howard County.
Fall 2010
Farm to Chef, an annual fundraiser pairing local chefs and farms in a friendly competition begins, providing the Days of Taste program with an additional revenue source and regional visibility.

Summer 2010
The Days of Taste program is invited to the celebration of the launch of Michelle Obama's "Chefs Moves to School" initiative - part of her "Let's Move" campaign, along with over 700 chefs from around the country, all enthusiastic to propel a movement to encourage chefs to work with kids and encourage healthy eating.
Fall 2009
The Days of Taste program expands to Howard County, through a grant from the Horizon Foundation.

The Baltimore American Institute of Wine and Food chapter starts the Days of Taste program in Baltimore with 1 school.
The American Institute of Wine and Food, a national 501c3, launches the Days of Taste program in New York City.