#TWKatHome Activities
Salad Fun at Home!
Welcome to TWKatHome, our fun, free online content that helps kids and families explore food and build positive, healthy eating habits. May is National Salad Month and we are excited to share salad activities all month long. We're also fundraising to give salad kits to all our Days of Taste students and could use your help!

Are you ready to have some fun?
We have been busy sharing so many salad recipes and activities over the last month in honor of National Salad Month. We hope you have enjoyed trying new dressings, ingredients, and even new toppings! This activity is 5 simple ways to have fun with salad at home and we hope you enjoy them.

Idea #1- Create Salad People
Kids will love to be a culinary artist with this salad idea.
Grab a copy of the book Salad People by Mollie Katzen and be inspired to let your creativity flow in the kitchen. The children's cookbook is filled with recipes of all kinds and is presented through picture cards. A salad person is a miniature version of a person made with salad ingredients. Katzen describes this recipe as a cross between an art project and a healthy snack. There is no right or wrong way to jump into this recipe. Grab some ingredients and see how silly you can be in the kitchen. Enjoy eating your salad!

Idea # 2- Make a salad kabob!
Kids love kabobs and this new twist on a salad will be a fine motor activity in addition to a cooking activity. Gather ingredients that could be skewered and lay them on a baking sheet or tray for your child to choose from. Let them make their own salad kabobs and bring them to your next cookout or picnic! Challenge them to include leafy greens and vegetables on each kabob.
Idea #3- Build a Cucumber Salad Boat
This salad building activity will be a hit with your little engineers at home! Create a salad boat by using a cucumber.
- Step One- Wash your vegetables.
- Step Two: With an adults help, slice the cucumber in half lengthwise. Scoop out the seeds with a spoon.
- Step Three: Be an engineer and build your boat with other salad ingredients.
- Step Four: Enjoy your design and your salad!

Idea #4- Prepare a Number Salad
Practice Math and cooking skills at the same time with this salad making activity! Create a recipe for a salad by using increasing numbers for each ingredient. You can use Mollie Katzen's recipe here or create your own together!
Idea #5- Make a Fruit Salad Ice Cream Cone
Try this sweet and crafty salad version for your next dessert! Mix your favorite fruits together and place them in your favorite ice cream cone. If you are making these ahead of time, you can put a cup cake liner in the cone to prevent the cones from being soggy.

Keep Exploring!
Salads are healthy eating choices to make all year long. We celebrate National Salad Month in May, but these ideas and recipes are meant to be explored throughout the whole year. Go to a local Farmers Market or farm to experiment with new salad ingredients. Check out a cookbook from your local library to explore on a rainy day. A kitchen is a place to be creative and have fun. We hope you enjoy some hands on fun with some of the ideas we have shared with you.
Share with your salads with us!
Share what you learned or created from the activity on our social media! We’d also love to hear your ideas for what other content you’d like to see from TWKatHome. Share with us on Facebook (@TasteWiseKids) or Instagram (@tastewise_kids) and use the hashtags #TWKatHome and #myTWKsalad, or email info@tastewisekids.org.