#TWKatHome Family Fridays
A Reminder to Breathe
Wendy Jeffries, Executive Director, TasteWise Kids
Our #TWKFamilyFridays series is where we hope to provide you with resources to both learn a little more about the world of food and its sources, and connect with one another in the process.
Keeping it Simple
This week, in all the craziness that is our world, we at TasteWise Kids want to remind you to breathe, nourish your body, and hug those you love. And if you need a way to keep your kids out of your way for a few minutes, check out some of our latest TWKatHome activities.
Is there something in particular you'd like to see a tip about? We're always trying to tailor our content to what you'd like to see. Submit your questions or ideas to us at info@tastewisekids.org.