#TWKatHome Family Fridays

Books that Create a Spark!

Wendy Jeffries, Executive Director, TasteWise Kids

Our #TWKFamilyFridays series is where we hope to provide you with resources to both learn a little more about the world of food and its sources, and connect with one another in the process.


Reading Between the Tines

If you are like me, moving into the winter months means more finding yourself inside more with little ones. At our house, this means more book/reading time. Here’s a great list of children’s books from Food Tank that spark interest, knowledge and learning around food for young readers.


Here’s a few we love at my house:

And a few we plan to read next:

What books would you add to this list? Whether food related or not, share your family's winter reading list with us on Facebook (@TasteWiseKids) or Instagram (@tastewise_kids)! You can also email us at info@tastewisekids.org.