#TWKatHome Family Fridays

Give the Gift of Some

'Old School' Fun

Wendy Jeffries, Executive Director, TasteWise Kids

Our #TWKFamilyFridays series is where we hope to provide you with resources to both learn a little more about the world of food and its sources, and connect with one another in the process.


Think of How to Use Old Activities in a Virtual Space

As I work on my list of holiday gifts for loved ones, I have found myself getting creative with gifts that are meaningful but don’t involve spending a ton of money. We all know that we will be spending more time inside with our immediate families and/or “pod” this winter. So I’m guessing like me, you have puzzles, new kitchen tools, and books on your list. But what about ways for our kids to interact with their friends and family in new ways too? I don’t mean interactive online games. Think “old school” with a twist.

Here’s a few things I have thought about to help get you started. 


Science Experiments

Does your child have a friend they like to do a virtual play date with but they run out of ideas of what to do when they get together? Coordinate with their family and buy similar science supplies, a science kit or a Makers Task Cards (I didn’t know what they were until I was searching around - google them and find out). I’m going the DIY route - I’m buying an art box and small jars that we will fill together post-holidays with household items like flour, vinegar, cotton balls, paper clips, etc.

Cooking Together

Buy the same cookbook for your child and a family member - this works great with a kid and older cousin, grandparent etc.. Or your child can create a “IOU” card about cooking together and then share recipes together online - America’s Test Kitchen for Kids has great, easy recipes and we have a few too in our Recipe Box. Then in the weeks and months to come, they can coordinate times to cook together online via Zoom or video.

Dance Party

Buy some glow sticks, funny hats, and/or other silly supplies. Or just clean out the basement bin of random supplies from previous birthday parties and package it together as a “dance party package”. Coordinate a similar package to go to a family member or friend with a note to use during a “to be planned” dance party. Then mark your calendar for a dreary afternoon or evening in January and have your kids get decked out, pick some fun music, and get their wiggles out over a Zoom or online dance party. We are planning to do this in January with my best friend and her family who live in Maine.

What other ideas do you have? Please share them with us on Facebook (@TasteWiseKids) or Instagram (@tastewise_kids) as we all could use some easy ways to keep busy and connected over the coming months. You can also email info@tastewisekids.org.